Tha Appointment From Hell

I knew that this appointment was going to be a doozie. I’m already wrapped like a Cobra ready to strike. So much information to take in along with the infamous bone marrow aspiration. Lost count at this point but whatever. I’m in a bad place. No sleep, horrible stress and losing hope. Get me through this day. I need a little something…a little good news.

I hit the scale…180 lbs. I sat in the blood draw chair and got the usual four to five vials of my B Positive/ 0 Positive blood drawn for my Chimersm, PCR, CBC, Etc…tests. I did the perp walk to a large exam room and assumed the position on the exam table. Now I waited. After a few minutes, a big, husky, young Persian looking Doctor came in. I’d never seen him before and after introducing himself, he let me know that he would be performing my bone marrow aspiration. Well buddy, that would be my decision. Dr. Styler was the only other doctor than Dr. Dave to attempt one before and he absolutely killed me. Dr. Terzian actually performed my very first but I didnt know what to expect at that time. So, Dr. Dave was the man, not this guy. The new doctor told me that Dr. Dave would be delayed and asked if he could begin the process. Ok then. I’ll give you a shot. One shot. I assumed my usual position, curled toes, hands wrapped around the front of the table and clenched teeth. It started out ok but went downhill very quickly. He was definitely a rookie and his inability to pierce my hip bone was getting ugly and beyond painful. I stopped him after the pain became unbearable and requested Dr. Dave immediately. The wait seemed like forever. A huge canula needle impaled halfway into my hip bone. Blood running down my ass and leg and pooling under me. It seemed like forever. He barged in, took over the situation and Dr. Dave finished the job like the pro he was. The nurses cleaned me up and prepared me for my next move to the consult room. New gameplan time.

As I waited for Dr. Dave to clean himself up and gather his thoughts, I languished in the fact that this new resident doctor had rendered me almost immobile and in some major agony that would last for hours and my long drive home. I wasn’t too happy. I was tired. The next conversation I have will determine my outcome. Will I stay or will I go now? What’s my odds Doc? Then came the usual knock on the door. “Keenan.”..

“Well, your white cell count is up to 80k. Highest ever eh”. Thanks for the NOT GREAT news Dave. What’s the plan? ” Ok, there is a new drug called STI-571 or Gleevec that just finished its initial FDA study 1 with great results.” ” Phase 2 starts in June across the country with only about 400 participants being carefully selected to be a part of the study”. “I am in contact with several programs and lead doctors holding the trials around the country trying to get you in one of the study groups”. The only caveat of this study was…that you had to have been unable to have a positive reaction to treatments after using Interferon A injections for six months straight to try to beat back the Leukemia. This meant that I would immediately have to begin injecting myself with this awful drug. Interferon had terrible side effects and only a slight chance of working. I would have to use a special needle to inject the drug into my stomach or thigh every other day. A terrible prerequisite for admission into the FDA trial. But my only chance for survival at this time. I took my first shot right there in the office. A pen like instrument that was simple to use but was still a needle. It burned going in. My six months started right now. Let’s see if we can turn this shit around. Let’s see if we can get in this new FDA program. Let’s see if I might get lucky. Really lucky. Please. I need a break.

Next Up: Interferon A