March On

It was now the end of March 2000. I had just reached the end of my second month post my second DLI procedure. The blood and PCR results that were coming in were not very encouraging. This was getting really scary. There were no great answers for the lack of progress. The bottom line was that the standard three month waiting period for a positive reaction for the DLI procedure was only four weeks away and we were going backwards.

Lori and I were planning a vacation to Disney World for August. A chance to get in some away time and since Joey was now going to turn four, he would get his first chance to meet Mickey. This would be my next goal. A family vacation to ease the stress of our current situation. The boys were so excited. This trip to Disney would hopefully be much lighter and happier than the last and we would be staying inside the park. The planning was complete and all that was needed was to get this transplant reignited and my health back on track again.

Dr. Dave was of the opinion that my body needed that one more month, the extra thirty days, to get the full effects of the Donor Lymphocyte Infusion. My marrow would hopefully come around and bounce back. He was holding off on completing the last Chimerism until the full three months had passed. The test that would see if my brothers DNA in my marrow had taken full control of the relapse situation and we were back on track to a full state of remission. The ultimate and most important goal in our plan. I was of the opinion that I was screwed. Everyone around me, my full support system, were holding out hopes for the best for me. I appreciated the support so much. My journey was going on four years now and I was getting very well versed on the results of the various tests that predict the outcome of my treatment. I knew that Dr. Dave was always the optimist. I also know how I felt. How my body was reacting to the procedure or not. I knew in my heart that the next thirty days were going to result in a huge disappointment. The wait would be agonizing. Mentally exhausting. We’ll have to keep the faith though. My beautiful babies need a break. They need their Daddy. Mommy needs a break too. Seriously.

One more thing to do now. Nick loved the boy band N’sync! I was driving down I 95 on a Thursday headed to Sansom street for my weekly jewelry run and LAAA! A billboard showing that the band N’Sync were going to be playing at the Spectrum in South Philadelphia! On Nick’s 6th birthday! March 26th! I called Lor for the ok and then Ticketmaster for two fabulous tickets, center stage! Here we go buddy!

We got dressed up nice and sharp for the show and Nick was lookin good! What an energized crowed of 50,000 insane five year old to fifty year old women and girls we were surrounded by! We were like the only guys around for miles! The concert started with a relatively unknown performer named Pink…yes PINK! SHE WAS AWESOME! Nick was a little uncomfortable with the loud music but hung in there through Pink’s set. It went all downhill from there. N’SYNC hit the stage at a billion decibels. Nick freaked out! I covered his ears with muffs I had brought but that only helped little. He screamed and cried to go home, but for $200 bucks a ticket, that wasn’t happening. After surviving “Bye,bye,bye”, “”It’s gonna be me” and “I want you back”…Justin Timberlake and his crew broke out the tear jerker “This I promise you”. The crowd mellowed and Nick calmed down as the words softly echoed through the crowd.”And I will take you in my arms , and hold you right where you belong, til the day my life is through, this I promise you, this I promise you.” I held him tight to my side as the tears flowed down my face. “Daddy, why are you crying” he said. “I just love you buddy”… I told him and hugged him even tighter. These were the best of times, these were the worst of times. I had a night that would be forever cemented in my heart. And hopefully his too. Happy Birthday Buddy.

Next up: Now What?