Grand Opening

The hot month of July dragged on while I spent as much time as possible working on the new store. Our August 1st deadline was quickly approaching and I was being held up badly by the slow progress of the landlord and his contractors. They were killing me! Lori and I were able to spend some time down at the seashore while the slowdown kept me at bay. As soon as the bathroom was complete, it would be a fast and furious vault to the finish line. It’s the little things that always counted for me. The finish details, the merchandising and final product needed to be perfect. The grand opening would be pushed back for two weeks but the extra time was needed.

The week before our grand opening was spent cleaning and perfecting the final product. I finished meeting with multiple vendors to select the perfect variety of beautiful new jewelry to wow my new clientele. And my old! The expectations were tremendous. This would be my last store. I wasn’t going through this process ever again. Guaranteed! The beautiful red “Belaggio Jewelers” LED sign was the final touch, installed one day before the doors would open. We were ready! The next morning the future, my future, would move forward. Yet another gamble in the business of my life… with so much to lose. A new store, a new location and a new town. I knew that I could do it. I had to.

The launch was a great success. Even though it was the summer, usually a slow time in the jewelry business, customers old and new flowed into the new location. Business was good. I could see that the road to success would be possible with a lot of hard work and some really good luck. After all, twenty eight years in business is a long , long time. My new lease covered six more years. Piece of cake!

While the rest of the fam was doing their thing, my focus was unwavering. I felt tired but nonetheless pretty good overall. Another year of Leukemia free tests and albeit the usual Gleevec side effects, life was good. There would be no more side businesses, no distractions and no excuses. Let’s get it.

On an additional note…as my blog rolls on, another milestone approaches. This coming Monday, May 23rd, the anniversary of my original diagnosis of CML reaches the 26 year mark. It may seem like a lifetime ago…but not so. My story continues. Kudos and love to all of the CML warriors out there.

Next Up: Nonna Peduzzi