The Last Leg

Fully stocked with Halls Cough Drops and donning our new masks, Lori and I boarded our flight to Tampa, Florida. I guess you would say that we felt pretty guilty about getting on a plane having full blown Covid. I tried to rationalize that we probably caught covid by someone who on a prior flight that we had been on this past week had done the same thing. Oh well, as soon as we would land, it would be a beeline effort to the rental car area and directly to Bradenton. Being in our own home would be heaven compared to the last few days. We stopped at a WAWA on the way to grab some drinks and food to get us by as well as a stop at CVS for some more meds and Covid tests. We were both still very sick and needed more rest. Our fevers were consistent and chests hurting from the constant coughing and hacking. Being sick though was better in Bradenton.

The Florida weather in July was very hot and humid. Lori actually despised coming down here because of the relentless heat and daily rain showers. This last leg of our vacation was supposed to be twelve days of relaxation at the pool, beach and evenings out and about for dinner and visiting friends. The Country Club at Tara in our development was beautifully appointed and had a great restaurant and bar. Until Lori and I tested negative for the virus, we wouldn’t be able to take advantage of the luxuries afforded us. After all, after ten years of owning it, we barely were able to enjoy our home. We rented it most of the time. Purchased as an investment property and future retirement home for the winter, I only got down to Florida maybe once a year. This two weeks were the longest we had ever planned together in Bradenton and like Nashville, it was supposed to be special. We were fortunate that the club would deliver our meals to us and we could rehabilitate in familiar territory.

Negative, finally! Four days before we would be heading home, our covid tests showed the single line of freedom. Hallelujah! We donned our bathing suits and headed to the pool ! It felt so good to be out and about. Feeling the warm sun and fresh air was beautiful. The next few days we spent dining out and headed to the beach to experience the white sands along the south Florida Gulf. I loved swimming in the Gulf of Mexico. Sometimes, a gentle Manatee would swim by like a small submarine. Very cool. The few days of freedom we had were a tease and set the stage for the future and hopefully Covid free return to paradise.

Back in PA, Lor took off for the shore to begin her usual summer vacation on LBI. I headed back to work at the store. Our experiences were distinctly different. She felt great and went on to enjoy the beach and spending quality time with my parents and sisters, both teachers as well. I was still sick though. I spent the next month visiting the local Urgent care twice in two weeks and then the Doylestown hospital emergency room soon after. The emergency room visit was essential because I literally could not breathe. My blood pressure was 200/100 and had I not gotten there soon, it could have been a really bad situation. I was diagnosed with Covid Bronchitis/Pneumonia and given large doses of steroids interveneously as well as a breathing treatment. The ER doctor noted before I was released that my blood pressure had returned to normal. A clear sign that I was in great distress when I arrived there. I was prescribed steroids for a week and an Albuterol inhaler to help with my breathing. It took another two to three weeks to feel myself again. This Covid was no joke. I could genuinely feel for those people that were affected so horribly and was blessed not to have any repercussions from my encounter. Time to get moving with the rest of this summer.

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