Thank God For Uber Eats

So yes, I had never taken an Uber ride before our trip to Nashville. I really wasn’t thrilled to ever get in a car with some average person behind the wheel. Our driver was very interesting. An African gentleman, from a small country where his wife and family remained while he worked a factory job and drove for Uber here in the US. I could barely understand him most of the time but the drive was mostly uneventful. The Marriott hotel was central to the city and had enough attractions going on nearby that we were winging it for our five day trip. I wasn’t feeling very well after the two plane flights and our layover in Chicago. I grabbed a bag of Halls cough drops in the Des Moines Airport to try not to be thrown off the plane because of my ever increasing cough. I was eating them like candy. Lori and I checked into our room at the hotel, a handicap room on the first floor. I really needed to lay down and get myself some type of medicine. And maybe a Covid test.

We ordered some food from Uber Eats since I didn’t feel well enough to hit the Nashville scene that Lor and I had planned for. Unfortunately, the hotel had no restaurant or room service. Uber Eats was another first for me! Boy was I behind the times! This Uber Eats was great and expensive! I not only ordered dinner, I also was able to order cough medicine, Advil, a thermometer and a Covid test from CVS. It was June 28th, 2022 and for over two years Lori and I had escaped the dreaded two red line boogeyman. After all of my customers who got covid, my employees, my family, you name it. We were free and clear. Not this time. That extra red line literally took about three seconds to blow up our vacation. What did I expect? Two big weddings and four plane flights did the trick. I opened up the thermometer. That blew up too… 103.5 and climbing. I was pretty sick. Lor called room service for a day bed so she could sleep on the other side of the room. Lucky that we had that handicap room after all. We went to bed after a long, long day. Hopefully, Lori would remain healthy but I was pretty skeptical.

I thought that my cough was bad! I woke up around 4 am after hearing a cough on the other side of the room. I turned the bedside light on and Lor didn’t look so great either. She was sweating and looked like she had the chills. I woke her up and had her take her temperature…102.8 and climbing. We were done. Thank God for Uber Eats. I only left the room for the next three days to meet the Uber drivers delivering the food, drink and sustenance needed to get us through our Nashville nightmare. Also, an extra Covid test to confirm what was pretty obvious. Lor had Covid too. We were both very sick. We watched, no binged, Netflix shows all of our awake hours and slept the rest of our stay. And again, we never left the room. So much for our Nashville experience. The next leg of our trip was the flight to Tampa where we had planned to stay for an additional twelve days after driving to our Bradenton home. We masked up, arranged another Uber ride back to the airport, and headed out unfortunately knowing that we had no other choice than to board our flight. Covid and all.

Next Up: The Last Leg