Big Changes

Whoa! It’s Wednesday and I’m in work! The start of my first four day work week in almost two years! This was crazy! What was I thinking? Lol. Would anyone even come into the store? Actually, we were busy! Our customers took to this additional day open with gratitude. Sorry, I wasn’t going to go for five days. It took some getting used to, but this would be the new norm going forward. The year was going well with an unusually busy January and a strong Valentines week too. No complaints here.

There was really nothing going on that was exciting or extraordinary at this time. Our winter was pretty mild and other than a few really cold weeks, hardly any snow. Lori and I would celebrate 30 years of marriage on the 29th of February. Our Leap Day anniversary falls on every fourth calendar year. Milestones like this are of course, very special to me. I planned a great surprise weekend in New Hope, Pa. A sweet hotel along the Delaware river, roses in the room and dinner downstairs at Stella. Lor loved it. We had such a nice time. Meanwhile, Nick was waiting patiently for our renters in Florida to be heading home at the end of April. May 1st plane tickets were in hand and he was staying there for at least a month. Something was up, little did we know. Nick had purchased a beautiful home in South Philadelphia about a year ago and had just finished a total renovation. A very costly endeavor that turned out great. Lori and I finally got to see the place before he took off for Bradenton. Very nice. At the end of May, before he left Florida, we got the call. Nick had a big offer to consider. The whole month stay in Florida wasn’t just a long getaway after a fabulous year of business. He was considering a move to Fort Lauderdale with an offer of a new position as a Senior Agent in the same company, Compass Realty, that he represented in Philly. This would be a big decision. We were very happy for him and very sad too. After moving to Los Angeles a few years earlier and then back home, it was great having Nick close by. His decision to take the offer turned out to be easier than he thought. I got a text one evening in the beginning of June after Nick had returned home. It began, ” I’ve made up my mind…I’m moving to Florida.” This, after lying on his floor with gunshots and bullets whizzing down his block. He was so scared. Philadelphia is a mess. The violence anywhere and everywhere. It didn’t matter where you lived in the city, the chances of being a victim of crime were ridiculous. I was glad that he was moving to Florida. I worried about his safety every day in Philly. Nicks beautiful newly remodeled home went up for sale and sold in two weeks. By the end of September, Nick would be on his way.

Meanwhile, number two son had plans of his own too! That call was also enlightening. Joe wanted to come home. After spending the last eight years living and playing hockey all over the world, he wanted to be close to his family and friends again. He missed us. Totally understood. He was running the new detail business with his partner in Ohio and basically decided that he had enough. Lori was so happy! These were big changes happening! We were so happy and excited for our boys and while Nick was making plans for his big move, we started making plans for Joe’s return. These were good times.

Lori and I would be seeing Joe and Kara soon. It had been over six months since the last time they had been back to Pennsylvania. My sister Lisa was getting remarried in the end of June on Saturday the 24th. The next day, the 25th, Joe’s great friend Kevin was getting married in Iowa. Lori and I would fly out that Sunday morning after Lisa’s wedding to Des Moines and celebrate with Kevin and his bride Elizabeth. Joe was in the bridal party. After this long crazy weekend, Lor and I would travel to Nashville for five days and then jet over to Bradenton for two more weeks in Florida. A nice vacation planned as an additional celebration of our 30th anniversary… So we thought.

Next Up: Our Turn