Finishing Florida and the Call Seals the Deal.

The week in Florida wore on as the reality of the situation sat on my shoulders like the rays of the Orlando sun … Relentless. A few days by the pool just relaxing, conversing with friends and playing with Nick helped the time pass by. We enjoyed dinners out and a few more parks and sights to see, as these diversions helped to pull me away from the darkness.

At night, I entered into an alternate state of despair. With Nick tucked in and sleeping soundly, my attention and my anguish was directed towards another major facet in this fight. As my wife Lori lay beside me I would put my hand on her big belly and try to connect with the little person growing inside. With four more months to go the questions would run on in my head like a broken record. ” Will I ever get to meet my child”? Will they ever get to meet their dad? What would he or she look like? Will I ever get to hold my baby? It just wasn’t my future I was worried about. It was theirs. How would they grow up without me? How could I leave my wife so young to raise the kids on her own? We had to get home and get this show on the road. I needed more answers, more education and more time at home to be able to process this mess.

As we prepared to make our way back home, the call from Dr. Terzian came in. The Bone Marrow Aspiration confirmed the diagnoses. I Had Cancer. I asked him if this was one hundred percent certain as far as the lab testing was concerned. Was there any way that they could be wrong. A Hail Mary question I guess. He told me that I could always get another opinion but he was very certain. I would not have to see him again as he recommended me to a young Oncologist at Hanahmen Hospital in the city named Dr. David Topolsky. He would begin the process of testing myself and my family first as potential donors for a potential Bone Marrow Transplant. Dr. Dave wasn’t playin…as soon as I got home… I needed to be there. No delays.

We thanked the Selvaggios for graciously having us and helping us navigate this crazy week with what should have been a fun filled vacation and get together. Who would have known. The trek back to Pa. was on. Another two days of driving with my eyes focused more on the rear view mirror than on the road ahead of me. Staring at my beautiful baby boy. Staring at my beautiful baby boy.😔

Next: An ultrasound and I am officially a Cancer Patient.