Happy New Year

Married with young kids…New Years festivities were never that crazy given the circumstances. We still had to finish out the Christmas season through New Years Eve. Luckily, our gift returns were always minimal. Sometimes our after holiday sales were great too!

The call came during the middle of the week right before New Years. It wasn’t good news. Dr. Dave seemed sullen as he very technically described the ins and outs of DLI failure. My bloodwork was not great. White cells had climbed at a faster pace and additional Leukemia markers were becoming more agregious. In other words, we had a failure to communicate in the marrow and the cancer was coming back strong again. This New Years will suck. I can’t get a break. I would begin taking the Hydroxyurea again to try to control the white cell count and break the news to everyone that the DLI was a failure. Step up to plan B. Plan B was Plan A all over again. Starting mid January, Glenn and I would repeat the same process step by step. Deja vu. He’s going to be so happy! Not.

So here we were. Celebrating another year. Up until July, I was on top of the world. No worries…all good. Now, back to the grind. I’m going to have to come up with a great resolution this year. How about… I’ll do whatever it takes to stay alive and find that cancer free spot in my life again. That would be good. That’s my resolution. As the ball dropped and the countdown commenced, I hugged my wife and boys tight and gave them big kisses when the clock struck twelve. Some tears fell for sure but our thoughts were always positive.

Our ninth wedding anniversary was coming up on the 29th of February…a leap day wedding. At that point we would be into the second DLI procedure hoping for good news. Fingers crossed!

As I write today, the 28th of February 2021, Lori and I celebrated or 29th wedding anniversary. We dined in covid style and I cooked her Steamed Lobster and grilled Asparagus. Finished with assd cheesecake slices and some hot tea. I hope for our 30th we can celebrate eating Pasta Carbonara in a quaint Italian city near Bologna or Belaggio. She deserves it. Happy Anniversary Honey…Love You.

Next up: Round 2…Lets Go